Minneapolis College Choir presents An Early Winter Concert December 8th

The Minneapolis College Choir will present an Early Winter Concert Friday December 8th at 7:00 pm in the Whitney Fine Arts Theater, 1424 Yale Place, on the Minneapolis College campus in downtown Minneapolis. The concert, directed by Liz Pauly and accompanied by Christopher Wolter will feature the choirs’ characteristic blend of Western art music with folk and traditional music from across the globe.  From Stephen Paulus’ haunting Hallelujah! to Daniel Afonso Jr.’s spirited arrangement of Pai Francisco to Tomas Pascual’s Oy es día de placer, this is a concert not to be missed.  With special guests, Julie Johnson, flutist, David Crittenden, guitar and Evan Espinoza Robles, percussion. Children are welcome.  Admission to this concert is free.

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Image Credit: Sunset Birches Jerzy Durczak on Flickr:  CC BY-NC 2.0