Health and Wellness

Good singing requires good health. This page is primarily targeted at singers. However, many of the sites may be of interest to others as well. Here are links related to general health and also specific conditions that can impact the voice.

The VoiceCare Network

The VoiceCare Network is based out of the College of St Benedict and St John’s University. The website does not have much to offer, but it is a good organization to know about, and the course offerings are worth checking out.

Singing and Singing Related Articles

Just what it says.


Remember that pyramid you learned about in elementary school? Well, it has undergone a radical change. In fact, it is no longer a pyramid, but a plate. Check this site for a lifetime of healthy eating habits. If you stick with the recommendations on this page you will improve your health, and possibly even lose weight.

Yoga Journal Online

This is a terrific website, full of articles, poses, links to classes. Highly recommended.

Voice Academy

A no-cost, self-directed, virtual school built for the vocal health of U.S. teachers. This website was developed specifically for teachers, but applies to anyone who uses their voice frequently for their job. Highly recommended. Of special interest to women:

Asthma Answers

This is a link to a fantastic article originally published in Yoga Journal. Personally, I think it is a must for all singers who are also asthmatics.

Vocal Health Links 

This site is sponsored by Sing With Power – it links to some terrific articles by some of the best in the business.

Eight Steps to Vocal Health

Great common sense suggestions for singers to take care of their voices. This page is a bit tricky to open because of an ad placed there, but it does open.

11 Health Benefits of Music

Brief Huffington Post slideshow on the benefits of both listening to and playing music.