Minneapolis College Lunchbreak Choir

The Minneapolis College Choir invites all faculty and staff to join them in singing one time per week in the LunchBreak Choir.

This is a wonderful opportunity to build bridges between students, faculty and staff, as well as a chance to relieve some stress and perform wonderful music.

The Lunch Break Choir meets Wednesdays from 12:00 – 1:15 in F2700.

The Lunchbreak Choir is formed with the following objectives in mind:

  • To provide a creative musical outlet for staff and faculty
  • To bridge gaps between students, faculty and staff by providing an environment in which they can participate together in a peer-to-peer relationship
  • To provide music for college events as well as end of semester concerts

How it works:

Once a week, on Wednesdays, members of the Lunchbreak Choir will join the Minneapolis College Choir for rehearsal.  They will perform with the Choir at scheduled events, as their personal and works schedules allow.

Rehearsals have been arranged so that Lunchbreak members have the opportunity to rehearse each piece several times over the course of the semester. However, as this group meets only once per week, there are significantly less rehearsals for Lunchbreak members than for College Choir members. On the positive side, College Choir singers are friendly, and happy to be the “experts in the room” to help out as needed.

A few (only a few) things we ask of Lunchbreak Choir participants:

  • Regular attendance (within the confines of your own job and role on campus) if possible.
  • A commitment to perform on the end of semester concerts. Every other event is optional.
  • Purchase of choir music (cost is under $20)
  • A phone call or email when you need to miss rehearsal
  • Events are listed in the Choir Handbook (distributed via email) and on the choir website

If you really want to dig in, all members of the Minneapolis College community are welcome to be full members of the choir and may come to all rehearsals.

Rehearsals for LunchBreak ensembles begin on the first Wednesday of the semester and continues through the end of semester concert. If you are interested, please contact choir director Liz Pauly by email at elizabeth.pauly @ minneapolis.edu.