
Click on the titles of the songs below to hear the pronunciations of the texts. Feel free to use the playback controls to pause and replay sections that you didn’t get on the first hearing.  It is a good idea to have your score in hand as you listen, and write the pronunciations into your music (in pencil) so that you can reference them later as you rehearse the piece. You can use IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) or whatever makes sense to you personally.

If you would prefer to download these files to your computer, depending on your browser, most material can be downloaded by right clicking (PC) or control clicking (Mac).

For further study, please refer to the Repertoire guides, available under the Help Pages link on the navigation bar above. These guides have word-by-word translations and IPA transcriptions as well as background information about the pieces.


Pata Pata

Wie der Hirsch schreiet