Choir Organization

The Minneapolis College Choirs are funded by Minneapolis College Student Life, which receives its funding from the Student Life fee. The Minneapolis College Choirs Student’s Association was formed in 2009 to externally support, represent, and serve the students of the Minneapolis College Choirs (courses MUSC 1310 and MUSC 1320) and the Minneapolis College community in general; to promote the Choirs’ concerts, auditions, and activities; and to serve as a general advocate and ambassador for choral music at Minneapolis College. In addition, this association was formed in a large part to forge a more fluid connection between the Minneapolis CollegeStudent Senate and the Minneapolis College Choirs.

The Choirs benefit from a strong relationship with the Minneapolis College Student Senate. In general we have a single choir member serve as liaison between the senate and the choir, but any and all choir members are encouraged to attend student senate meetings to find out what is going on around campus.

Minneapolis College Choirs Students’ Association

All students, singers, and affiliates of the Minneapolis College Choirs, including students enrolled for credit, students singing for non-credit, and other choir members, are considered members of the Minneapolis College Choirs Students’ Association. Membership is also open to alumni and friends of the choirs.

Current Choir Leadership

More information can be found in the Minneapolis College Choirs Constitution. Click below to download.

Minneapolis College Choirs Students’ Association Constitution

There are several leadership positions in the Minneapolis College Choirs Students’ Association. Their titles and job descriptions are listed below:

Choir President

  1. Presides over Minneapolis College CSA meetings and officer meetings, and calls special meetings when appropriate.
  2. Supervises and delegates the activities of the other Officers.
  3. Serves as the “right hand” to the Director of Choirs.
  4. Ensures that all decisions agreed upon by the CSA be properly executed.
  5. Promotes the Choirs and recruits new members.
  6. Maintains regular weekly attendance on behalf of the Choirs to all scheduled Minneapolis College Student Government Senate Meetings.
  7. Serves, along with the Director, as liaison between choir and other school organizations and activities.

Choir Vice-President

  1. Assists the President in all activities and presides over his/her responsibilities in case of their absence, incapacity or other extenuating circumstances.


  1. Handles the organization’s finances (if any).
  2. Administers and maintains current and accurate records of all budgets and spending.
  3. As needed, shall make reports to the Director of Choirs, Officers, and CSA regarding finances.
  4. Shall assist the President and Director of Choirs when actions taken by the CSA involve the expenditure or transfer of funds, and shall ensure that proper procedures are followed to carry out the intentions of the CSA.

Choir Secretary

  1. Keeps track of membership lists, alumni and announcement lists.
  2. Takes notes at meetings, and prepares agendas and minutes for said meetings.
  3. Processes such data as is needed by the President, Stage Manager, other officers, and Director of Choirs.

Stage Manager

  1. Verifies that concert and stage set-up is as requested by the Director of Choirs.
  2. Is in charge of all backstage logistics, including seating arrangements, lineups, etc. during dress rehearsals and performances.
  3. Organizes on-campus publicity efforts including tabling, postering, e-mail announcements, etc.
  4. Performs other duties as needed by the President and Director of Choirs.

Social Chair is in charge of organizing social events for the choirs. Oversees the planning and hosting of choir-sponsored activities during the school term. The Social Chair

  1. Oversees the Social Activities Committee.
  2. Clears all choir-sponsored activities in advance with the Director of Choirs
  3. Helps to promote a welcoming atmosphere in all choir activities.
  4. Sees to it that events are alcohol-free and centrally located when possible.
  5. Publicizes or delegates the publicity of choir-sponsored activities which:
    1. should be publicized at least one week prior to the event, and should be communicated to the choir members via e-mail, in-class announcements, and personal invitations.
  6. Works creatively, and uses the many free resources of a vibrant arts community as part of their planning.
  7. Hosts or delegates hosting of informal choir gatherings following choir rehearsals. (for example, weekly coffee hour or after-choir lunch). Sees to it that all choir members are made aware of these gatherings.
  8. Promotes a welcoming atmosphere within the choir rehearsal setting, by greeting and engaging both new and old members.
  9. Oversees and actively encourages the planning and hosting of events during breaks from class (summer, winter and spring breaks). (These events should follow the same guidelines as events held during the class term.)
  10. Attends all meetings of the choir executive board.
  11. Copies all communications and planning information to the Choir President and Director of Choirs.
  12. Creates opportunities to enhance choir spirit, such as choir t-shirts or other spirit wear.
  13. Plans and facilitates other events as requested by the Director of Choirs or Choir President.

A special note:

    1. Please carefully consider the difference between a choir-sponsored activity and social events with friends. While choir-sponsored activities can and should be fun, and can be purely social in nature, care must be taken so that our public behavior and priorities are irreproachable. Social events can be planned with friends from the choir, and this is encouraged, but it is not the same thing as a choir-sponsored event.

Student Senate Liaison(s)

  1. Represent the choir at all regularly scheduled student senate meetings.
  2. Communicate to choirs and choir director important information about student senate meetings.

Section Leaders

  1. Take daily attendance of their section.
  2. Contact (via phone or e-mail) those members of their section who miss a rehearsal.
  3. Communicate score markings to all members of their section.